

Turning Today’s Students Into Tomorrow’s Leaders. Teaching entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy.

We recruit volunteers from the business community and post-secondary institutions to lead hands-on experiential learning activities for students in grades 5 to 12. Our programs teach entrepreneurship, financial literacy and work readiness skills by giving students real-world tasks like goal-setting, building a personal budget, exploring interests and career pathways, and working with a team to start a small business.

Our program is known for its innovative approach to program development and delivery.

Spark the Entrepreneurial Spirit of Youth

Help students connect classroom learning with real-world problems and issues. Your financial investment will inspire students to develop needed soft skills for tomorrow’s careers and help foster a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation in our K-12 schools.


Volunteer with Us

You can help us develop tomorrow’s leaders! Our volunteers teach the curriculum and lead students through interactive learning activities, while sharing personal work-related experiences and knowledge. You can boost your company’s profile, develop your leadership and communication skills, and have a great deal of fun.